As I type this, I am putting the final touches to my new animation "How to Beat a Hard Game", and basically the title explains it all. If you ever find yourself stuck on a video game, do yourself a favor and (don't) follow the six steps you will learn that will help you finish even the most difficult of games.
After the success I had with my last animation, You Need a Health Bar!, I am extremely excited to show this new one. Comparing the two, I know there is some real improvement, as I am using a decent bit more frame-by-frame animation than in my previous ones. Also, I decided to stick with using lines to draw everything this time rather than the paint brush that I experimented with in YNAHB, which really helped with the movements. To separate the characters and props from the background, I am trying out using bitmap fills to provide a texture-like quality to the surroundings. This really helps the flatly colored characters stand out.
I'm hoping to post HTBAHG within a few days, so until then, don't get too frustrated with any game you can't beat!